Greetings from the board – September

Dear members,

welcome back, welcome to Riga. On September 2nd, we held out first Morning Meet & Greet after the summer break. We enjoyed meeting all of you – our members, and newcomers to Riga.

IWCR is a growing international network of like-minded women from all over the world. Together, we enjoy various activities throughout the year such as conversation groups, activity groups, social tours, or lunches. 

Apart from that we are a very active network supporting different charity associations in Latvia. The IWCR members seek to raise funds to provide support and financial assistance for charities with primary focus on helping families, young mothers, the elderly and the abused both in Riga and the Latvian countryside.

One of our major topics right now is our annual Christmas Bazaar. Usually, around November or December we raise funds for local charities in Latvia supported by foreign ambassadors with their families, and a strong international community. Due to the current situation caused by COVID-19, our “usual” plans need new thinking. We are all experiencing this year to be a very special year. Therefore, the IWCR Board is working on various scenarios and considering different options for the biggest Charity event of the year in Riga. 

We look forward seeing many of you at out upcoming events. Mark your calendar: Intercultural Workshop on Sep 17th. Invite your female friends, who value the multi-cultural fusion of our community to join IWCR.

Do it now and not later

It is important to take care of yourself, but also of the ones around you. We have a lot of plans for August and September. Please find an overview of our upcoming events here:

Board Topics

Here an update on the current topics:

  • Charity Committee Activities, Visits and Next Committee meeting,
  • Fund Raising event with photographer Emilie Bots for MARTA,
  • Charity Bazaar – meeting various vendors and comparing different options,
  • Bazaar – Reviewing technical options to offer an online auction this year,
  • Bazaar Input Collection – Survey to the embassies and members to collect feedback,
  • Social Activities (se above),
  • Newcomer Workshop about Latvian Culture will be organised and held by Iveta Berkolde,
  • Newcomer Coffee Meeting in October, November and January planned,
  • Plan next Charity Collection in Autumn.

If you like to share any input, information, or you have expertise in one of the areas, please contact us. We are happy for any input and support. Contact

Stay in touch, and let us enjoy time together.


President International Women’s Club of Riga

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