Greetings from the Board July

July Greetings

Dear members,

with full energy we are working on getting our club community and newcomers together. We are so glad to see so many ladies joining the first face-to-face activities, after we haven’t met for a while in person.

We are happy to see so many happy faces, and to get an overwhelming positive feedback that many of you like to meet with friends and enjoy time together.

Every time we meet, we realise how quick time passed by and for how long we haven’t seen each other. It is heart warming to meet again and share the feeling of joy. Joy to see each other, the feeling of having missed the other ones! Thanks for being such a great and caring community.

We are grateful for the people around us. People are meant to be around other people; It makes us healthier, and we are contributing to the goodness in our lives.

With energy into the future

It is important to work in the present and look into the future with energy, mental strength, and trust. It is about us all to develop our world, to find new patterns for our lives, and to form the post-pandemic world. 

It is important to take care of yourself, but also of the ones around you.

Here an overview of different opportunities for socialising throughout summer:

For August, we plan some Evening events, like a Evening Meet & Greet for members and newcomers, and a Partner Evening. We will share more soon.

Board Topics

We are in full swing working behind the scenes. Here an update on the current topics:

  • Charity Committee Activities, Visits and Next Committee meeting,
  • Fund Raising event with photographer Emilie Bots for MARTA,
  • Charity Bazaar – meeting various vendors and comparing different options,
  • Bazaar – Reviewing technical options to offer an online auction this year,
  • Bazaar Input Collection – Survey to the embassies to collect feedback,
  • Social Activities (se above),
  • Newcomer Workshop about Latvian Culture will be organised and held by Iveta Berkolde,
  • Newcomer Coffee Meeting in October, November and January planned,
  • Plan next Charity Collection in Autumn.

If you like to share any input, information, or you have expertise in one of the areas, please contact us. We are happy for any input and support. Contact

We look forward seeing many of you in the coming months.


President IWCR

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