Connectivity is key – we stay connected with you

Traveling is one of the best ways to enjoy the arts and the vibrant gradient of cultures from around the world. While the discovery of places around the world seems out of range at the moment, the IWCR members invite the local and international community to be a tourist across the nations – while staying in Latvia.

Visitors will enjoy an international experience with the Online Auction in early December. From December 6 th until 11 th visit the online auction platform to do your Christmas shopping while sitting at your home. The auction offers high valuable goods and intercultural experiences through an online bidding process. Preview the items to write your shopping list.

We are very grateful for the Agency for Support for BEREC (the Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications), supporting our efforts by providing the technical solution. Today, we met virtually with László Ignéczi, Director of the Agency for Support for BEREC. The only EU agency in Latvia – BEREC Office – is looking forward to starting the auction on December 6th.

IWCR: László, last year we had the pleasure to take away the best, most fun memories from the Charity Bazaar 2019 with you and your team. We laughed, made funny faces, and posed at the photo booth, which was generously provided by BEREC Office. What are your memories from last year’s bazaar?

László Ignéczi: Memories from the last year’s Christmas Bazaar are indeed very special – the event was full of positive emotions. It was great to see all the organisations working together for such a great cause and happy Charity Bazaar visitors contributing to it. I am sure the printed photos will
continue to serve as a reminder of this great event to all of us.

IWCR: László, can you tell us a little about your work, about BEREC, and what BEREC does for its European citizens.

László Ignéczi: Especially in the uncertain times of pandemic, we see how connectivity is crucially important to keep business and governmental processes running and people connected. Connectivity is one of the key areas BEREC has contributed to through years. This let us now see how the fifth generation networks (5G) are deployed and soon, the very high capacity networks will be a reality.

Here at BEREC, we make sure to contribute to the development and better functioning of the internal market for electronic communications networks and services. It is done through independent, consistent, high-quality application of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications markets for the benefit of Europe and its citizens. This includes the work on roaming, open internet, Intra EU calls and SMS, contract simplification with operators.
BEREC is also looking at providing input to a new regulation for over-the-top services such as WhatsApp, Viber, Skype and similar, to ensure the framework and protection for our citizens.
Besides, in 2021 one of the focus of BEREC work will be on studying and improving the area of digital platforms. The Agency for Support for BEREC, with its Headquarters in Riga, provides continues administrative and professional support to fulfil this mission.

IWCR: This year, you and your team have been immediately excited again to be on board for this year’s fundraiser. How do you support our cause this year?

László Ignéczi: Year 2020 has been challenging on a global scale, therefore, it is now more than ever important to support those who need it the most. Our team is glad to support the IWCR this year by providing the online auction platform. This is closely connected to our field of work, and we are more than happy to provide this new experience to both the organisers and auction participants.

IWCR: Why do you want to give to our organization? What motivates you and your team to be involved?

László Ignéczi: The BEREC Office might be one of the smallest EU Agencies, but we are a multi-national family, and we understand the importance to help others in need. We work daily to bring the benefit to all the people in the European Union in the field of electronic communications.

As a decentralized EU Agency, we are also engaged in numerous activities. By being closer to the EU citizens in Latvia, we are promoting the core values of the EU. By participating in the Charity Bazaar, we are able to serve for another good cause.

IWCR: Would you share with us what you like most about Latvia?

László Ignéczi: As I am living and working in Riga, I enjoy very much the beautiful historical parts of the city, and I am equally amazed by the modern, new development areas of Skanste or of Latgale suburb. At the same time, I love escaping to the wonderful nature of the country, as Latvia has so many precious national parks. I particularly enjoy visiting Tervete Nature Park each autumn, for the scary ‘ragana’ experience.

Bid on international experiences and valuable goods through an online bidding process. just before the Christmas holidays.

The auction will be online for 6 days starting December 6th, ending December 11th.

Be quick to place your bids. Shop unique experiences, high valuable items – and enjoy the cultural diversity.

Piedalieties virtuālajā izsolē īsi pirms Ziemassvētkiem!

Izsole notiks tikai 6 dienas! Sākot no 6. decembra līdz 11. decembrim. Nenokavējiet, izmantojiet šo iespēju un rīkojieties ātri!

Jums būs iespēja piedalīties virtuālajā izsolē un solīt savu cenu par iespēju gūt fantastisku starptautisku piedzīvojumu, un citām vērtīgām, unikālām lietām.

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